الجمعة، 6 يناير 2012


·   Duodenal Ulcer.
·   Benign Gastric Ulcer.
·   Post-operative Ulcer, - Reflux Oesophagitis
·   Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.
·   Prophylaxis of stress ulceration in seriously ill
- Prophylaxis of recurrent haemorrhage from peptic ulcer.
- Prophylaxis of Mendelson's syndrome.
Dosage and Administration General Information:
ZAN1AC rtierveseent tablets and granules should be placed in half a glass of water (minimum 75 ml) and allowed to dissolve completely before swallowing, swirl the glass if necessary. for 300 mg doses a volume of 150 ml is recommended.
ZANIAC effervescent tablets and granules contain aspartame.

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