‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات B. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات B. إظهار كافة الرسائل

السبت، 5 مايو 2012


Indications :
All forms of tracheobronchitis, emphysema with bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions, bronchieclasis, bronchitis with bronchospasm, asthma. During acute exacerbations of bronchitis. Bisolvon should be given with the appropriate antibiotic. Bisolvon may also be administered to facilitate and expedite the expectoration of abnormal fluid present in the bronchi e.g. contrast media.


There are no absolute contraindications but in patients with gastric ulceration relative caution should be observed in the use of Bisolvon tablets, BIsolvon should not be administered to patients with hypersensitivity to bromfiexine.

Side effects :

Occasional gastro-intestinal side effects may occur but these are almost Invariably mild


• Acute constipation.
• Chronic constipation and bowel training: extremely effective in the management of chronic constipation, particularly in order patients. By gradually lengthening the interval between doses as colonic tone improves, the drug is effective in redeveloping proper, bowel hygiene. there is no tendency to rebound and prolonged use does not cause habit formation.
 Preparation for radiography, sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy or ultrasonography: excellent in eliminating fecal and gas shadows. for unscheduled endoscopic examinations,adequate preparation is usually obtained with a single suppository.
• Pre-operative preparation: an ideal laxative for emptying the gastrointestinal tract.
• Post — operative and postpartum care: A suppository can be given to replace an enema. Tablets are given as an oral laxative to restore normal bowel hygiene after surgery or delivery , with no contraindications to nursing mothers. I reparation for delivery: Suppositories can be used to replace enemas in the first stage of labor provided that MIMI they are given at least two hours before onset of the second stage.

 • Enteric coated tablets:
 tablets must be swallowed whole, not chewed or crushed, on a hill or empty stomach and should not be taken within one hour of taking antacids.
 — Adults:
Two tablets at bedtime usually suffice for an ordinary laxative effect, This results in one or two soft formed stools the next morning. When taken before breakfast , they produce an effect within 6 hours. two to four tablets are usually needed, but up to six tablets may he safely given, in preparation for special procedures when greater assurance of complete evacuation of the colon is desired. Higher doses may result in several loose unformed Stools.
 — Children:
 4 years old and over: One tablet.
• Suppositories:
Adults: to obtain a bowel movement at a short notice or to replace an enema, one 10 mg suppository is Used and it is usually  " effective in 1540 minutes.
_ Children:
One 5 mg suppository is used



biodroxil is suitable for the treatment of infections ceased by cefadroxil is ensitive organisms such as.
• Infections of the upper respiratory tract  ( acute and chronic otitis  media and sinusitis. pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis)
• Infections of the lower respirolory tract (acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, bacterial pneumonia!
 • Infections of urogenital tract ( uncomplicated and complicated urinary tract infections such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, adnexitis. utethritis, rostotitis, solpingitis)
 • Infections of the skin and soft tissue. ( abscesses, furuncles, impetigo, pyodormia. erysipelas, lymphadenitis, wound in. factions)
 • Infections of the bones and joints (osteomyelitis)
 Brodroxil should not be used in severe systemic infections in which B • loctomose • stable cephalosporins are more effective.

The overage dosage for children with normal »no1 function consists  of 25 - 50 mg / kg body weight given in one single dose or in two equal divided doses at 12 • hour intervals) per day.
 The dose may be increased to 100 mg / kg body weight depending on the severity of the infection  and the susceptibility of the causative agent Children between 9 and IS years of age (30. 40 kg body weight:. receive 2 cop. sales of Biodtoxil 500 mg per day given in one single dose or in two divided doses. The dose may be increased or even doubled in severe infections.
 In general.
 Adults and  juveniles weighing more than 40 kg with normal renal function and mild to moderately severe  infections  receive 1- 2 g of Biodioxil in one single dose or in two equal divided doses per day. The dose may be increased or even doubled in severe infections

الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012


Vaginitis due to non-specific reason non-specific or mixed infections, preoperative preparations of the vagina , trichomonal vaginalis and vaginal candidal.

Dosage and Administration:
 Use for two to four weeks even through the menstrual cycle. Using the applicator, insert one pessary at night or, in severe cases, use one pessary night and morning Unwrap the pessary and wet with water immediately prior to insertion, thus ensuring ease of insertion and dispersion of the active constituent. Pull the plunger of the applicator out then Insert the blunt end of the pessary into the applicator. In a reclining position, gently insert the applicator high into the vagina, then push the plunger to release the pessary. To clean the applicator, disassemble by pushing the plunger out of the barrel, wash both parts in hot water, dry then replace plunger.

 If irritation, redness or swelling develop, discontinue use. Patients with a history of iodine sensitivity should not use BETADINE® Vaginal Pessaries without prior investigation. N.B. : it is important that the pessaries are wetted before insertion



• To relieve flatulence and associated  painful  symptoms  and discomfort, day and night , in infants and children due to air swallowing , functional dyspepsia , diverticulitis and postoperative gasdistension.
 • To eliminate gases from the GIT prior to abdominal radiography ultrasonography  and  upper GI endoscopy in pediatrics.
 • As an adjunct in the treatment of infantile colic

 For infants and children: 15 drops after each meal and at bedtime, or as directed by the physician.


 As a suppressant for acute-and chronic irritative  cough of varied origin, as e.g acute and chronic cough caused by illness of the respiratory tract.

 Occasionally may occur : sensation of dizziness, fatigue, weakness, dryness of the mouth and sensation of thirst; heartburn, gastro-intestinal disturbances and skin eruption. This medicament can, even in the prescribed dosage so much alter the reaction time, that the ability to-drive or to work with  machinery is affected

 Pectipro Syrup should not be used beyond the expiry date printed on the package. Do not store above 30'C. Pectipro Syrup is also suited for diabetics. Shake before use

Hypersensitivity towards benproperine. For the time being, intake is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation period.

 Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, take 2-3 times daily, preferably during or after meals :
Children aged 1 - 3 years : 1/2 teaspoonful
Children aged 3 - 6 years 1 teaspoonful
Children aged 6 - 12 years 2 teaspoonful
Youths over 12 years and adults :1 tablespoonful of syrup 3 times daily


Indications and usage:
 Coeditors associated with cough bronchospasm mg asthma. asthmatic bronchitis, acute 13 chronic bronchitis & emphysema, inhalation of irritant chemicals or vapours, etc

Side effects:
Infrequent wall normal doses & may occur in the form of fine tremors of hands & fingers, headache. dizziness, slight tachycardia, nausea & sometimes vomiting, flushing of the stun insomnia or leg cramps . With higher doses a rise In blood pressure. palpitations, and difficulty In urination may occur (specialty in elderly patients 8 those with enlarged prostate)

Warnings & Precautions:
 • BRONCHO VENT should be cautiously used in cases of:
 - Cardiovascular disorders specially hypertension & coronary insuificiency.
• Diabetes mellitus & thyrotoxicosis.
 - Concurrent taking of other adrenergic drugs or digitalis preparations.
During  therapy with heparin (as gualphonesin by inhibiting platelet function May increase risk of hemorrhage
- Safety donne pregnancy & children below 2 years of age basest been justified
Dosage and administration:
 • Adults 1 -2 teespoonfuls  three  to four times daily
- Children . 6 - 12 years of age: t teaspoonful three to foot times daily.
 2 - 6 years stage. 1/2-1 teaspoonfuls three limes daily.


 • Aorta and chrone bronchitis.
 • Astheate bronc'ess
• Cciiign associated olth common cold

Side Effects
The side effects  may include  drowsiness , and headache

BRONCHOPHANE " Syrup: bottles  at 100. 125 and 250 ml

Dosage and Administration
Children: 1/2 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily.
 Adults: I teaspoonful 3-4 times daily


Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory ways with pathological thickened mucus, such as in acute and chronic inflammations of the bronchial mucosa (bronchitis), asthma- like (asthmoid) bronchitis, bronchial asthma with impaired secretory elimination, pathological dilatation of bronchi (bronchiectasis). as well as support for dissolving 01 mucus in inflammations of the rhinopharyngeal tract

 Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician
 Capsules with sustained action:
Adults take 1 capsule with sustained action once a day, unchowed, with some liquid. Syrup :
 Adults : at the beginning of the treatment, during 2 or 3 days, 10 ml (2 teaspoonful) 3 times daily followed by 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) 3 times daily. Children: up to 2 years 2.5 ml (112 teaspoonful) 2 times daily, 2 to 5 years 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoonful) 3 times daily, over 5 years 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) 2-3 times daily. Al the beginning of the treatment - for two or three days - the dose for children can be doubled.
 Adults : at the beginning of treatment, during 2 or 3 days, 4 ml solution 3 times daily, followed by 2 ml solution 3 limes daily. Children : up to 2 years I ml solution twice daily, 2 to 5 years 1 ml solution 3 times daily, over 5-years 2 ml solution 2-3 times daily
 For Bronchopro liquid a small measuring cup is enclosed to help simplify the dose. Bronchopro liquid can be diluted with tea, juice or milk. Bronchopro should be taken after meals

CONTRA - INDICATIONS: This drug is contraindicated in persons who have shown hypersensitivity to ambroxol or bromhexine. Although embryotoxic effects have not been observed, Bronchopro should not be used during the first three months of pregnancy


 I- Cough caused by minor throat & bronchial irritation due to cold.
 2- As expectorant to help loosen phlegm & bronchial secretions to make cough more productive
 Hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients
Side effects
Incidence appear to be rare & may include dizziness gastro-intestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, headache, rash (including  urticaria)

Dosage & administration:
-Adults & children over 12 years of age: 10 ml lobe taken three to four times daily. Children 6 to 12 years of age 5 ml to he taken three to four times daily..
Children 2 to 6 years of age: 2.5 ml to be taken three to four times daily.
 Children under 2 years of age, consult the doctor

الخميس، 3 مايو 2012


Treatment of painful conditions and inflammation in rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, oeteoarthrItls) and musculo-skeletal affections (tondinitis, bursitis, post-traumatic pain); postoperative pain, primary dysmenorrhea.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity to the components of the product or to chemically strictly related substances. The product must not be used in the presence of gastrointestinal ulcer, gastritis, dyspepsia° , serious hepatic or renal diseases, serious heart failure, severe hypertension, serious hernatIc impairments. as well as in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis. Cross-sensitivity is possible with acetyl salicy/laeoidaredimphasswir alana4sIlplauti-inflammato drugs The product should not be administered to those patients In whom acetyl salicylic scl - 4410 or other non steroidal antl-inflammatory drugs cause asthmatic symptoms, rhinitis, nasal polyposis, angioedema or urticaria. The use of the product is contraindlcatcd In case of ascertained or presumed pregnancy, during lactation and in children. The dosage forms In effervescent tablets and sachets contain aspartame as sweetener, therefore relevant use is contralndicatcd In case of phenyiketonuria.

OVERDOSAGE : In case of BREXIN overdosage, a supportive and symptomatic therapy is advisable.

Tablets and sachets: 1 tablet or 1 effervescent tablet or 1 sachet (20 mg) a day. Suppositories: one 20 mg suppository daily. In elderly patients, for whom posology must be carefully established by the physician, It might be necessary a dose reduction

side effects.
A prolonged administration of doses higher than 30 mg/day enhances the risk of gastrointestinal (hall' a tablet or half an effervescent tablet and to limit the treatment duration. - Tablets : To divide the tablet, put It on a fiat surface with scoring line upwards. By gently pressing with your thumb, the tablet is broken Into two equal parts. - Effervescent tablets: completely dissolve the effervescent tablet in a glass of water.


Indications:  Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other lung disease where bronchospasm is a complicated factor.

Dosage & administration: 
The recommended initial dose is 10 mg once daily at bedtime. The dose may be increased to 20 mg after one to two weeks depending on the clinical effect. (1-2 tablets once daily at bedtime)
Children 2- 5 years The recommended normal dose is 10 mg (10 mL) 1-2 teaspoonful as prescribed Children 6-12  years The recommended initial dose is 10 mg (10 mL). The dose may be increased to 20 mg (20 mL) after 1 to 2 week 1-2 tablespoonful as prescribed

 Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the products or to terbutaline.

Side-effects: Common:-
Headache , palpitation, tachycardia :hand tremor and urticaria Rare:- hypokalaemia, Nausea Sleep and behavioural disturbance such as agitation, restlessness

Pregnancy & lactation:
  The terbutaLine , active metabolite of bambuterol, crosses the placenta and pass into milk. caution is recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy and in breast feedind mothers


B12 SR Capsules are indicated in all cases of vitamin B12 deficiency such as: Pernicious anemia either accompanied with nervous system involvement or not., Macrocytic anemia either at companied with nervous system involvement or not. Peripheral polyneuropathy especially in diabetic patients. Neurological impairment especially in elderly patients. For maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for memory activation. After gastric or ileocoecal resection. In sprue & and symptomatic steatorrhoea. Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency especially in elderly and vegetarians. Male & female infertility due to vitamin B12 deficiency. For patients with prolonged use of H2 receptor blockers and/or PP1s. For B12 deficiency in chronic liver disorders.

 Hypersensitivity to cobalt or in patients with hereditary optic nerve atrophy "Leber's disease".
 One capsule daily or as prescribed by the physician.

Box of 2 blisters each contains 10 capsules. STORAGE: i Store in a dry place in temperature not exceeding 25° C. safely away from children. PRODUCED 07: International Dnig Agency for Pharmaceutical Industry for Sin l Pharm.

Beta-Carotene Forte

• For reducing severe eye strains .
• For night blindness and xerophthalmia
• For skin sensitivity to sunlight.
• For cystic acne, psoriasis, actinic keratosis and pityriasis rosea .
• For leukoplakia, and protective against skin cancer.

One capsule daily.

Pack: Box containing 2 strips each one contains 10 soft gelatin capsule.
Storage: Store in a cool dry place at temp. not exceeding 30' C.


Pregnancy & lactation
 When antibiotic therapy is required during pregnancy, Amoxycillin may be considered appropriate, as it has show no teratogenic effects. - It may be given during lactation with taking in mind that trace quantities can be detected in breast milk.
  Posology and method of administration :
 Adults .
- Mild infections : 250 mg every 8 hours .
 - Moderate to severe infections : 500 mg every 8 hours.
 - Very severe infections :1000 mg every 8 hours .

 Children up to 10 years :
-          125 to 250 mg every 8 hours .
-           Under 20 kg body-weight : - 20 to 40 mg / kg daily in 3 divided doses,

 In case of overdosage G.I.T effects may occur such as nausea, vomiting & diarrhea Amoxycillin may be removed from circulation by haemodialysis.

  Method of reconstitution :
To reconstitute the dry powder for suspension : Add water to the bottle in 2 portions to the mark & shake well after each addition. The reconstituted formulation is stable for 7 days - Shake well before use. _ To reconstitute the vial : - - - For IM injection, the powder is dissolved in 2-3 ml of water for injection. - For IV injection, the powder is dissolved in 5-10 ml of water for injection. - Reconstituted solutions for IV or IM should be used immediately or within 2 hours if kept at room temperature or within 24 hours if kept at SC. 
Storage :
 - Keep at temperature not exceeding 30C. - Keep out of reach of children 

Presentation :
 Box of 8,12,16,20,100,500 ,1000 capsules. Bottle of powder for oral susp. 80,100 ml. Box of one vial. Box of 50 vials


Painful inflammatory disorders such as otitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
• Painful post-traumatic and postoperative inflammation and swelling.
 • Conditions associated with fever.
• Juvenile arthritis and other chronic rheumatic disorders.

 Children : should be given 0.5-2 mg/kg body weight daily in 2-3 divided doses according to the severity of the condition. In case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis the dose can be increased to 3 mg/kg body weight daily in 2-3 divided doses. SIDE

BABY RELIEF 25 suppositories are well tolerated. The low dosage of BABY RELIEF 25 suppositories precludes the incidence of any possible side effects.

-          Hypersensitivity to diclofenac sodium. - Not to be used for children less than 6 years
-          PACKING:
-           A box containing 5 suppositories. STORAGE: Keep at a temperature (15-30 °C). Keep out of reach of children

الجمعة، 3 فبراير 2012


منظم لإفرازات المخاط
دواعي الاستعمال
إصابات الشعب الهوائية الحادة والمزمنة والمصحوبة بإفرازات مخاطية غليظة مثل إلتهابات الشعب الهوائية الحادة والمزمنة والحالات المشابهة للربو وأزمات الكحة المصاحبة بإختلال نظام طرد الإفرازات التمدد المرضى للشعب الهوائية كذلك كعامل مساعد في إذابة المخاط في حالات إلتهاب تجويف البلعوم الأنفي
الجرعة وطريقة التناول
ما لم يصف الطبيب غير ذلك
يأخذ البالغون كبسولة واحدة يومياً بدون مضغ مع بعض السوائل
يبدأ البالغون بملء 2 ملعقة شاى ثلاث مرات يومياً لمدة 2-3 أيام ثم يستكمل العلاج بملء ملعقة شاي 3مرات يومياً
الأطفال حتى سن سنتان نصف ملعقة شاي مرتان يومياً
من 2-5 سنوات نصف ملعقة شاي 3 مرات يومياً
أكثر من 5 سنوات ملعقة شاي 2-3 مرات يومياً
يمكن مضاعفة الجرعة بالنسبة للأطفال عند بداية العلاج ولمدة 2-3أيام
البالغين تبدأ الجرعة بأربعة ملليلتر 3 مرات يومياً ولمدة من 2-3 أيام ثم 2 ملليلتر 3 مرات يومياً
الأطفال حتى سن سنتان 1 ملليلتر مرتان يومياً
من 2-5 سنوات 1 ملليلتر 3 مرات يوميا
أكثر من 5سنوات 2 ملليلتر من 2-3 مرات يوميا
يمكن مضاعفة الجرعة بالنسبة للأطفال عند بداية العلاج ولمدة 2-3 أيام
يوجد مع مستحضر برونكوبرو السائل غطاء مدرج وبه علامات المساعدة على ضبط الجرعة كذلك يمكن يخفيف السائل مع الشاي العصير أو اللبن مثلا
يجب تناول بوتكوبرو بعد الاكل
حالات حظر الإستخدام
لا يستعمل الدواء في حالات الحساسية المفرطة لمادة أمبروكسول أو مادة برومهيكسين بالرغم من عدم ثبوت سميته للأجنة فإنه لا يستخدم في الثلاث أشهر الاولى للحمل


أقراص وشراب
دواعي الاستعمال
يستخدم بامبيديل في حالات الازمة الصدرية , حالات الالتهاب الشعبي المزمن ,حالات ضيق النفس والحالات الاخرى المصاحبة بإنسداد في الشعب الهوائية
الجرعه وطريقة الاستخدام
الجرعة المبدئية 10مجم يوميا قبل النوم قد تزداد الجرعة الى 20مجم يوميا بعد من أسبوع الى اسبوعين وفقا لتحسن الحالة
(من 1-2قرص يوميا قبل النوم )
الاطفال من 2-5سنوات 10مللي يوميا 5مللي
الاطفال من 6-12سنة 10مللي يوميا قد تزيد الى 20مللى بعد أسبوع أو اسبوعين وفقا للمفعول الطبي ولا تزيد عن 10مللي في حالات الأطفال الشرقيون نتيجة لإختلاف حركية الدواء عندهم
موانع الاستخدام
يمنع استعمال الدواء في حالة فرط الحساسية إلى أي من مكونات المنتج أو الى التيربيوتالين
يجب توخي الحذر عند استخدام الدواء في حالات مرضى الغدة الدرقية ومرضى القلب
يوصى مرضى السكر الذين يبناولون البامبيوترول بمراقبة مستوى السكر بالدم حيث انه ربما يزيد الدواء من مستوى السكر بالدم
لابد أن تقل الجرعة المبدئية من البامبيديل الى النصف في حالات مرضى الفشل الكلوي

الخميس، 26 يناير 2012

بكتى برو

الجرعة ما لا يوصف الطبيب خلاف ذلك تؤخذ الجرعة من 2-3 مرات يوميا اثناء او بعد الاكل على النحو التالى
الاطفال: من 1-3 سنوات ملء نصف ملعقة شاى
الاطفال : من 3-6 سنوات ملء ملعقة شاى
الاطفال من 6-12 سنة ملء 2 ملعفة شاى
اكثر من 12 سنة والبالغين ملء ملعقة كبيرة 3 مرات يوميا

موانع الاستعمال
الحساسية المفرطة تجاة بنبروبيرين
حتى الان لا ينصح استخدامة خلال فترة الحمل والرضاعة

بلمونال –ن

دواعى الاستعمال
النزلات الشعبية
الربو الشعبى
الكحة عند المدخنين

الاطفال 1-2 ملعقة صغيرة 3 مرات يوميا
الكبار : ملعفة كبيرة 3 مرات يوميا