الجمعة، 6 يناير 2012



1.    Herpes Genitalls: Treatment of initial. recurrent Herpes Genitalis infections in immunocompromised and non-immunocompromised patients. It is also used in the prophylaxis against recurrent Herpes Genitalis infection in immunocomprorrvsed patients.

2.  Herpes Zosteri Treatment and prophylaxis of Herpes Zoster infections Including treatment of Herpes Zoster ophthalmcus. Treatment is effective if started within 48 hours of onset of rash.
3.  Chickenpox: Treatment is effective if started within 24 hours of onset of rash.
4.    Mucocutaneous Herpes Simplex: Prophylaxis and treatment of Herpes Simplex (HSV-1 & 
 HSV-2) infections.
lb. The tablet(s) could be swallowed as a whole or dispersed in 50ml of water """-  ( quarter of a glass of water )

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