الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012


Indications and usage:
 Coeditors associated with cough bronchospasm mg asthma. asthmatic bronchitis, acute 13 chronic bronchitis & emphysema, inhalation of irritant chemicals or vapours, etc

Side effects:
Infrequent wall normal doses & may occur in the form of fine tremors of hands & fingers, headache. dizziness, slight tachycardia, nausea & sometimes vomiting, flushing of the stun insomnia or leg cramps . With higher doses a rise In blood pressure. palpitations, and difficulty In urination may occur (specialty in elderly patients 8 those with enlarged prostate)

Warnings & Precautions:
 • BRONCHO VENT should be cautiously used in cases of:
 - Cardiovascular disorders specially hypertension & coronary insuificiency.
• Diabetes mellitus & thyrotoxicosis.
 - Concurrent taking of other adrenergic drugs or digitalis preparations.
During  therapy with heparin (as gualphonesin by inhibiting platelet function May increase risk of hemorrhage
- Safety donne pregnancy & children below 2 years of age basest been justified
Dosage and administration:
 • Adults 1 -2 teespoonfuls  three  to four times daily
- Children . 6 - 12 years of age: t teaspoonful three to foot times daily.
 2 - 6 years stage. 1/2-1 teaspoonfuls three limes daily.