الأحد، 28 أكتوبر 2012


Mecobalamln 500 mcg
Folic acid 200 mcg

Each Cobol F film-coated tablet contains:

Mecobalamln 500 mcg

Folic acid 200 mcg

Inactive ingredients: Lactose monohydrate, maize starch, ethanol 99%, magnesium stearate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ES.


- Prevention of pregnancy complications such as: early abortion, low-birth weight, neural tube defects, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, and maternal hyperhomocysteinaemia associated with increased risk of congenital heart disease.

 - Treatment and prevention of folate deficiency state.

 - Megaloblastic macroeytic anaemia.

 - Malaise and fatigue.

- Reduces risk of cardiovascular disorders, as it decreases homocysteine level in the blood.

 - In cases of inadequate nutrition. e.g. elderly people and vegetarians.

 - Osteoporosis and lumbago.

- Male and female infertility caused by hypovitaminosis B 12.

 Dosage and administration:

 Two to three tablets to be taken daily, or as prescribed by the physician.

 Pharmacodynamics: Cobal F is a combination of meeobalamin and folk acid. Mecobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin 1312. Vitamin BI2 occurs in the body mainly as methylcobalamin (mecobalamin), adenosylcobalamin (cobaniamide) and hydroxycobalarnin. Mccobalamin, as one of the two active coenzyme forms of vitamin 1312 (the other being adenosylcobalamin), plays an important role as a coenzyme of methionine synthetase in the transmethylation of homocysteine to methionine. Mecobalamin removes the methyl group from methyltetrahydrofolate to form tetrahydrofolate which participates in purine, pyrimidine, and nucleic acid synthesis. Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid), member of the vitamin 13 group, is the parent compound for a large number of derivatives collectively known as folates. Folic acid stimulates production of red, white blood cells and platelets in certain mcgaloblastic anaemias.


 Evidence indicates that mecobalamin is utilised more efficiently than cyanocobalamin to increase level of vitamin 812. It is stored in the liver, excreted in the bile, and undergoes extensive entcrohepatic recycling.  Human urinary excretion of mecobalamin is about one-third that of a similar dose of cyanocobalamin, indicating greater tissue retention. Folic acid is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, mainly from the duodenum and jejunum. Folic acid administered therapeutically enters the portal circulation largely unchanged. The principal storage site of folate is the liver; it is also actively concentrated in the CSE Mate metabolites arc eliminated in the urine and folate in excess of body requirements is excreted unchanged in the urine. Folate is distributed into breast milk. Folic acid is removed by haemodialys
Side effects:

 Mecobalamin and folic acid are generally well tolerated and no known toxicity. Gastrointestinal disturbances such as loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea or other symptoms of gastrointestinal upsets may infrequently appear. Hypersensitivity reactions or skin rash may rarely occur.


 Hypersensitivity reactions to mecobalamin, folic acid or any ingredient in the product.


 Caution is advised in patients who may have folate-dcpendent tumours.

 Drug Interactions:

 No drug interaction of major clinical significance has been reported with Mecobalamin. However, the gastrointestinal absorption of vitamin 1312 substances in general may be decreased by colchicine aminoglycoside, antibiotics, aminosalicylic acid and its salts, and by excessive alchohol intake lasting than 2 weeks.

 Pregnancy and lactation:

Studies have not been done in humans. In animals, mecobalamin was not found teratogenic. Mecobalamin is distributed into breast milk.


 Cobol F tablets are supplied in boxes of 20 tablets each. Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C, in dry place, away from light.

Keep out of reach of children

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