الجمعة، 6 يناير 2012


1.   Reduced physical and mental efficiency, such as fatigue and exhaustion, 

depression, paramnesia, inability to concentrate, loss of sleep, senile rigidity, tremor
senile pruritus. senile cachexia and other symptoms of advancing age
2.   Physical and mental stress situation, such as loss of concentration, rapid tiredness, and reduced performance. It is generally used to increase stamina
3.  Specific involution processes (female and male climacteric, depressive parathymic conditions, irritability, dystrophy of skin, nails and hair).
4. As ..adjuvant in the case of hypedipidemia, reduced carbohydrate tolerance, arthritie OS 'Complaints, low-calory foods (e.g. unbalance or insufficient nutrit101140#0411111111111.
S                 '6.ires). retarded convalecerte '(after illnesses, infection, opdrations,
N.B. for diabetics :

Royal vit. G. does not contain sugar and is suitable for diabetics. In some cases of
senile diabetes, an improvement of the pathological carbohydrate intolerance was 
 found. In such cases Me daily dosage of antidiabetic preparations may be reduced
under medical supervision
One capsule daily or as prescribed by physician.

Keep in a cool place at temp. not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.
Box of 20 capsules.
Produced by
SEDICO Pharmaceutical Co.
6 October City - Egypt
P.0 Box 42, Postal code No., 12566

Selenium-ACE tablets

The high environmental pollution is considered the main cause of exposure to the damaging effects of free radicals starting by cell dysfunction ending by death of the cell up to all body organs.
Selenium-ACE tablets prevent cellular damage by eliminating I'vce vadicaI,; and harmful oxidants through the synergistic effect of seieniunr,fratnin A. vitamin (.• and vitamin L._
Selenium-ACE tablets provide vision preservation and healthy mucous membrane through vitamin A.
Selenium-ACE tablets maintain capillary integrity through vitamin C. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E so prolongs its action.
Vitamin E has a synergistic effect with selenium giving powerful antioxidant effect.
. . _
Antioxidant dietary supplement
Contraindications & Side effects: Not known
Dose: 1 tablet / day
Package: Box of 30 tablets in three strips "-
Storage: Stored at room temperature not exceeding 30 "c
Keep out of reach of children
Manufactured by Sigma for Interpharma UK under license of
W:vsen tnternational LTD
Scientific officeTel: (202) 26226097-2624 I 248 -26241208
Fax (202)26241075
www. Interpharmauk-cg.com


Pregnancy and laelacco.
- WOMUI it chid bonny Fe:dental with rip risk at lola newai tube de%cts
`s.  • Megabelasfic anomie dad to Iola acideeficiency
Chronic hierelvet sales
·  Manuelion, enemata and mataensorplan.
·  Hepatic diseases aseccatad witr hapatc Itection '.m.rweireent and Mums
·  hemodalyss and scurYy
·  Ononec inyelokfrosis
·  S demobs:Mc anon a n the Weedy.
"n.  • Alcelthes,
1..crg ben use al sane dodos as tanlidentrultants astrogens rneenotrexate pyrierotharene and emcee/00m.
·  StViSiti 00500000 0.9 leant. qaTONS.,f91,7
- Treatment or tante deficient megaloblaslIc anemia and other cases 0110d011e deficiency:

 ca. 25 rry FOL1CAP SC Caps daiy le up tc 4 rionns he &ab nay be neteased up to 4 • 6
capsules eaily in malabsorption states dllsccotreclilrotaeonia, a nairderance dOSO oil 
copula 05 mg FOLICAP day is eatally redated
·  Chronic hemolytO Slabs trea4 5 mg FOLICAP SG Caps once duly cc once weeety
&barking on the undedeny disease
- Women at high risk of total neural tube defects : two 2 5 mg FOL1CAP SG Caps duly
slanng noise ...Fancy ard ceriruad trodghow nu nal uirnasthe.
- Sideroblastic anoenm in the oldally: 'urn 2.5 mg FOLICAP SG Caps daiy.
·  As adjunct to inethoteexate therapy 1 two 25 mg FOtICAP SG Caps the cay lolesving meinorroxare
adintr: 11a70
·  Prophylaxis of folate deficiency ( as In women with child bearing potential pregnancy. lactation. anorexia and liver function impalement ) :1 •0 FOLICAP SG Caps: 0 5 mg ; day/. Conteandkations
Folio cad shadd nor be given alone n cased vitamin el, coticency Precautions :
 Jndragnatied negarobastic Varna Folk acid improves horroblogeal nmenteslations wittio neurdogiCal Symptoms invisibly prowess. Side clients

FOUCAPo sato and, sot le:anted
Pregnancy and lactation
sn. FOLICAP is Way indeatoo doing depancy and lacta)ch th prevent Iola sod odancy. FOL1CAP is also hyhy !mom T ended Ice WOW aanang lo be pregnant with high Usk 01 feral nada tube detects Drug knead:ions
An nosericpc acid. chloamphoned mendee 4,0 sulfasalatina and Inert:N:0nm anfugceide1he 011001010110 acd. Fob acid amuses Me
Sq mcbo,str. VIdCalY1118601$ $515 asph000hsitilona and pneneon caring In decreased seizure coned in Eno patents
Sq  toe centakting 24 Sort Galen Capsdles :0.5 mg or 2.5 mg SC Caps Storage :
Keep at tem porde not exceeding 304 C nay kom mask.. Kcap oul ol tko roach el &keen
A/ex andria

Tri-B Tablets

neuropathlea .Trigentinal neuralgia. rheumatic pains .
2.Polyneuriiis, Optic neuritis, Diabetic neuritis, Alcoholic neuritis.
3.NeurItis of pregnancy.
4.Vomiiing of pregnancy.
5.Neuromuscular disorders. Tremors. Cramps.
6Antientia: nutritional inacrocytie anaemia, megaloblastie anaemia of infancy, anaemia of pregnancy. pellagra and following gnIrectolny and in pernicious anaemia
Dosage and administration:  VIP(
Infection: - Ube contents of the ampoules I and 2 are mixed and infected Intramuscularly daily 01 as directed by the physician. Tablets:- 1.2 tablets daily or as directed by the physician.
I•Not used to trial meg:fluidal/Me anaemia of pregnancy.
2-Patients with known sensitivity to any of the components.
Side effects: Parenteral administration of thiamine hydrochloride solutions may cause allergic reactions.
Drug Interaction:
·   Colchicine may interfere with n itatitin 112 absorption leading to megaloblastic anaemia.
- Reduced absorption of vitamin It was observed in case of patients receiving 'min.:dont citrate or calcium gluconate with metformln. - Biochemical interactions occur between pyridoxal phosphate and certain drugs as Isoniarid (Increase urinary excretion of ‘111101i0   Penicillamine (prolonged use), cycloscrine and /is dralacine .
- Vitamin 86 enhances peripheral decarbonc)lation of les odopa :Ind reduces its effectiveness thus maul be avoided in patients necking Ins odopa
·   the effect of folic acid may he diminished In patients receiving barbiturates, and co- trImosazole.
·   Folic acid should not be given to patients using Ando,nns itisants us netts loin. phenobarbitone or primodone since it reduces their blood levels.
-Sulphasalazine can intpair the absorption of folic acid in the gut.
Pregnancy and lactation:
·   Ind II-dearly needed in pregnancy.
·   Vitamin B complex excreted in breast milk. sin caution should be taken during lactation.' Precautions and warnings: Serious hypersensith By reactions may occur. Package and storage:
vei•r,mr.• Box of 6 double


Box of 2 strips s        tablets.
Cade N0.
Box of 3 double ampoules.
-Store Inn dry place away from light.

-Store In a temperature below 2.5°C.                                                                                                6 Amu. 351239

Instructions to patients:
Keep out of reach of children.
Manufactured by The NILE Co. for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries - Cairo - A.R.E. R.C.C. 115668


Food supplement to:
Improve the gastrointestinal function. Dosage
One capsule 3 times daily.
Carton box of 2 strips each contains 10 capsules. Storage