Pregnancy and laelacco.
- WOMUI it chid bonny Fe:dental with rip risk at lola newai tube de%cts
`s. • Megabelasfic anomie dad to Iola acideeficiency
Chronic hierelvet sales
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· StViSiti 00500000 0.9 leant. qaTONS.,f91,7
- Treatment or tante deficient megaloblaslIc anemia and other cases 0110d011e deficiency:
ca. 25 rry FOL1CAP SC Caps daiy le up tc 4 rionns he &ab nay be neteased up to 4 • 6
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FOUCAPo sato and, sot le:anted
Pregnancy and lactation
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An nosericpc acid. chloamphoned mendee 4,0 sulfasalatina and Inert:N:0nm anfugceide1he 011001010110 acd. Fob acid amuses Me
Sq mcbo,str. VIdCalY1118601$ $515 asph000hsitilona and pneneon caring In decreased seizure coned in Eno patents
Sq toe centakting 24 Sort Galen Capsdles :0.5 mg or 2.5 mg SC Caps Storage :
Keep at tem porde not exceeding 304 C nay kom mask.. Kcap oul ol tko roach el &keen
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