الأحد، 25 نوفمبر 2012

Rheumatoid How to treat

RheumatoidWhat is rheumatoidCauses that lead to disease rheumatoidSigns of rheumatoid diseaseSymptoms of rheumatoid diseaseGet rid of the disease rheumatoidHow to treat rheumatoid disease

First identify the disease rheumatoidRheumatoid ailments that afflict the body due to a disorder of the immune system works rheumatoid disease eroded tissue around the joints especially small joints Kmphasal wrists and hand joints, muscles and nerves casings leading to tireless those joints and distortedAs we mentioned that the disease rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease remains infected with a lifetimeHowever there are some cases that could be improved for a period with the possibility of the return of the disease againThe disease is characterized by its evolution it increases with time, but that at times may be mild

What are the causes of rheumatoid disease
There is no specific reason for rheumatoid disease may be the reasonHereditary genetic link may affect certain families may be involved in that diseaseBacterial infectionHormonal glandsCauses of allergic symptoms that accompany rheumatoid disease may very much like allergy symptoms owing to the imbalance Almitaboleezzm

Signs of rheumatoid disease
Rheumatoid disease appears successfully more females than malesThe patient feels temperature rise associated with rheumatic heart gradually lead to stiffness and arthritis with deviation in the path of the hands with dislocated joints hand lead to loss of joint movementThe presence of blisters on the skin of the legsPain occurs when the movement of joints with swellingTyibs
How to make sure the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis
Using X-ray work, which shows if there is erosion in the joints or distortedAs rheumatoid disease can be detected through a blood test and the presence of blood ESR deposition and the presence of rheumatoid factor and the presence of C - t - protein CRP
Treatment of rheumatoid disease