الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012



• To relieve flatulence and associated  painful  symptoms  and discomfort, day and night , in infants and children due to air swallowing , functional dyspepsia , diverticulitis and postoperative gasdistension.
 • To eliminate gases from the GIT prior to abdominal radiography ultrasonography  and  upper GI endoscopy in pediatrics.
 • As an adjunct in the treatment of infantile colic

 For infants and children: 15 drops after each meal and at bedtime, or as directed by the physician.


 As a suppressant for acute-and chronic irritative  cough of varied origin, as e.g acute and chronic cough caused by illness of the respiratory tract.

 Occasionally may occur : sensation of dizziness, fatigue, weakness, dryness of the mouth and sensation of thirst; heartburn, gastro-intestinal disturbances and skin eruption. This medicament can, even in the prescribed dosage so much alter the reaction time, that the ability to-drive or to work with  machinery is affected

 Pectipro Syrup should not be used beyond the expiry date printed on the package. Do not store above 30'C. Pectipro Syrup is also suited for diabetics. Shake before use

Hypersensitivity towards benproperine. For the time being, intake is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation period.

 Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, take 2-3 times daily, preferably during or after meals :
Children aged 1 - 3 years : 1/2 teaspoonful
Children aged 3 - 6 years 1 teaspoonful
Children aged 6 - 12 years 2 teaspoonful
Youths over 12 years and adults :1 tablespoonful of syrup 3 times daily


Indications and usage:
 Coeditors associated with cough bronchospasm mg asthma. asthmatic bronchitis, acute 13 chronic bronchitis & emphysema, inhalation of irritant chemicals or vapours, etc

Side effects:
Infrequent wall normal doses & may occur in the form of fine tremors of hands & fingers, headache. dizziness, slight tachycardia, nausea & sometimes vomiting, flushing of the stun insomnia or leg cramps . With higher doses a rise In blood pressure. palpitations, and difficulty In urination may occur (specialty in elderly patients 8 those with enlarged prostate)

Warnings & Precautions:
 • BRONCHO VENT should be cautiously used in cases of:
 - Cardiovascular disorders specially hypertension & coronary insuificiency.
• Diabetes mellitus & thyrotoxicosis.
 - Concurrent taking of other adrenergic drugs or digitalis preparations.
During  therapy with heparin (as gualphonesin by inhibiting platelet function May increase risk of hemorrhage
- Safety donne pregnancy & children below 2 years of age basest been justified
Dosage and administration:
 • Adults 1 -2 teespoonfuls  three  to four times daily
- Children . 6 - 12 years of age: t teaspoonful three to foot times daily.
 2 - 6 years stage. 1/2-1 teaspoonfuls three limes daily.


 • Aorta and chrone bronchitis.
 • Astheate bronc'ess
• Cciiign associated olth common cold

Side Effects
The side effects  may include  drowsiness , and headache

BRONCHOPHANE " Syrup: bottles  at 100. 125 and 250 ml

Dosage and Administration
Children: 1/2 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily.
 Adults: I teaspoonful 3-4 times daily


Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory ways with pathological thickened mucus, such as in acute and chronic inflammations of the bronchial mucosa (bronchitis), asthma- like (asthmoid) bronchitis, bronchial asthma with impaired secretory elimination, pathological dilatation of bronchi (bronchiectasis). as well as support for dissolving 01 mucus in inflammations of the rhinopharyngeal tract

 Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician
 Capsules with sustained action:
Adults take 1 capsule with sustained action once a day, unchowed, with some liquid. Syrup :
 Adults : at the beginning of the treatment, during 2 or 3 days, 10 ml (2 teaspoonful) 3 times daily followed by 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) 3 times daily. Children: up to 2 years 2.5 ml (112 teaspoonful) 2 times daily, 2 to 5 years 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoonful) 3 times daily, over 5 years 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) 2-3 times daily. Al the beginning of the treatment - for two or three days - the dose for children can be doubled.
 Adults : at the beginning of treatment, during 2 or 3 days, 4 ml solution 3 times daily, followed by 2 ml solution 3 limes daily. Children : up to 2 years I ml solution twice daily, 2 to 5 years 1 ml solution 3 times daily, over 5-years 2 ml solution 2-3 times daily
 For Bronchopro liquid a small measuring cup is enclosed to help simplify the dose. Bronchopro liquid can be diluted with tea, juice or milk. Bronchopro should be taken after meals

CONTRA - INDICATIONS: This drug is contraindicated in persons who have shown hypersensitivity to ambroxol or bromhexine. Although embryotoxic effects have not been observed, Bronchopro should not be used during the first three months of pregnancy