الاثنين، 7 مايو 2012


Ciprofar is indicated for treatment of infections caused by ciprofloxacin-susceptible organisms:
 • Urinary tract Infections :
 pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis including complicated and uncomplicated conditions.
 • Genital tract infections :
 prostatitis, epididymilis. epididymo-orchitis, salpingibs and Salcingo-oophoritis.
• venereal diseases :
 urethral and cervical gonorrhea. nongonococcal urethritis and chancroio.
• Gastrointestinal tract infections :
infectious diarrhea, enteritis, enter000litis and enteric ( typhoid and paratyphoid ) fevers.
• Biliary tract infections :
 cholecystitis, cholangilis and chcledochitis

الأحد، 6 مايو 2012


Adults 1 - 2 sachets daily.
Children 1/2 – 1 sachet daily (-before or-during-meals ).
 Dissolve the content of the sachet in half glass of water to get a palatable effervescent solution & drink immediately

 - During childhood, pregnancy & lactation to overcome the increased demand for calcium.
-osteomalacia , rickets, post-menopausal & senile osteoporosis.
- Cases of excessive loss or reduced absorption of calcium such as in prolonged treatment with corticosteroids, in cases of gastrectomy & in hypoparathyroidism.
 - Renal osteodystrophy.
 - Chronic renal failure

Side effects: Minor gastrointestinal disturbance rarely occurs

 Hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria , calcium renal calculi


Indications & Usage :
 • Calcimate capsule are used as a calcium supplement in hypocalcemia states e.g. pregnancy, lactation
Calcimate Capsule are used as supplement to reduce the risk  of osteoporosis  
• In eldery  specially women which tend to have fragile bone in later  ages
-Used as supplement dining teenagers and early adults to build  and  maintain good bone health
Contra — Indications
• Renal impairment.
 • Hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria.
 • Gastric and duaderal ulcers

Side — Effects :
-                                          Sometimes constipation may occur with high calcium carbonate intake.
-                                          - Hypercalcemia.
-                                          • Mild gastrointestinal disturbance.
-                                          - arrhythmias

Dosage & Administration
One capsule daily with meals or according to physician  instructions.
- This dietary requirement varies with age and is relatively greater in pregnancy and lactation . adequate calcium intake is important but daily intake above 2000 mg calcium are not likely to provide any additional benefit.


food supplement or calcium and magnesium

Two tablets twice daily or as prescribed by physician

C –Retard

• food supplement of vitamin C

Dosage and Methods of Administration:
(Unless prescribed, the usual dose is):
 Adults : 1 -3 capsules daily.
Children: I - 2 capsules daily

Adverse Effects:
 C-Retard capsules is well tolerated unlike other Vit C preparations, it does not produce oxalluria or oxalate renal stone formation and is therefore well  tolerated in renal patients