(Active Ingre tent (metenamic acid For the relief pain and -nflammationComposition: Film coated tablet contains 500 mg mefenamic aces Action: Mefenarnic acid is an analgesic with anti-intlammator properties and demonstrable anttyretrc effect It has also been shown to inhibit Prostaglandin activity. Indications: • Moderate pain. such as headache toothache. • Menstrual disorders (Menstrual pain. etc.) - Painful swelling or inflammation following injury or s imery. • Irritative conditions in degenerative joMts. • Spinal conditions. • Joint inflammations - None-articular rheenatism Contraindication:
This medication should not be used tn
: • Suspected impairment of hematopoiesis (blood foroationl. - Patients with gastrointestinal complaints (Streit as i;hronic diarrhoea) or a history astric or auodenal ulcers Cr This medication may only be used after careful conseteration of the risk/benefit ration - - Hypersensitivity to menfenarnic acid. intestinal inflammation (ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease). - Patients with eOirePsY-- Children less than 14 years of age. Special monitoring by the physician is required in - Patients who suffer from asthma, chronic obstuctee pulmonary disease (COPDI. tnt, fever or chronic swelling of the nasal mucosa (nasal polypi), since they are sueptible to hypersensitivity reactieroi (asthma attack, nettle rash. allergy-related oedema). - Patients who ha e have overreacted to to anti-Mean- matory drugs or pain reliefers, for e, ample. asthms attack, skin reactions or acute Miners. Administration in these ases should only be made when oertain precautions have been taken (emergency preparationS). • Patients with hepatic or renal impairment. • Patients with hypertension ancitcr cardiac decompc ieation. • elderly patients. Use During Pregnancy and Lactation: Ponstan Forte my not be used in the last trimester :if prgnancy, Ponsta, Forte should not be used in the first and second trimester of pregnancy and during lactation unless careful consideration has been given to the risk/benelit ration. Adverse events: Gastrointestinal complaints occer frequently, such as stomachache. nausea inild diarrhoea and slight gastrointestinal bleeding. which may result in anaemia in isolated cases.111111111The following may occur occasionally: - Gastrointestinal ulcers, sometimes with bleeding perforation. - Serious diarrhoea. In such cases. treatment with PONSTAN FORTE must be withdrawn. In rare cases, the following may be anticipated; - Central nervous disturbance., such as headache, blurred vision, fatigue, depression and di - Hypersensitivity reactions sec's as skin rash, allergic oedema. brochospasm end hypotension • Reduced excetion of sodium and water. • Impairment of hepatic furction The following has been observed in isolated cases: Impairment of hernatopoiesis. This impairment can affect all elements of the blood g in increased susceptibility to intection (for example with fever, sore throat). bleeding (epistaids. bleeding., skin without preceding injury) and signs of anaemia (marked apathy and pallor). In such cases, therapy ash PONSTAN FORTE must be discontinued immediately: - Increased excretion of lipids in stools and inflammation of the pancreas - Impaired renal function and kidney failure. Note: Used as directed, PONSTON FORTE may affect mental alertness, thus the capability of opei eing machinery. including motor venicles, is impaired. This applies especially when alcohol is consumed Interactions with other drugs: The of boad anticoagulants may be potentiated in concurrent treatment with PONSTON FORTE (danger of bleeding) No,nveerigations have been performed on the interaction of mefenarnic ace: with other active substances of known interactive potential (antihyperensive subsances, antidiabetics. digoxin, phenynin, lithium salts, e Dosage and Administration: The recommended dose of mefenamic acid is 750- 1500 mg daily in general. adolescents from 14 years and adults take I tablet of PONSTON FORTE 2 to 3 times daily. Routttancl.Quration of Aslolifthileation The tablet should be swallowed whole with sufficient fluid during or after a meal. For longer periods cr administration, blood count should be controlled prior to and during thew-, The physician must decide or the duration of treatment. • NOTES - The medication should not be taken after the expiry date printed on the package. • If severe diarrhoea occurs, traatment with mefenamic acid must be withdrawn. - Kide.ey function must be monitored whett concurrently administered with a diuretic. THIS IS A MEDICAMENT: - Medicament is a product eit. tt affects your health, and its consumption contrary to instruction is dangerous for you • Follow strictly the doctors preeciiption, the method of use ard the instruction of the Orating:1st whc sold the medicament. - The doctor and the pharmacist are experts in medicine, its benefits and risks. • Do not by yourself interrupt tee period oi treatment prescribed. • Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor. BPToaliscbtkeearsgptoianrcegk of 20 lm d at temperature • 15°C - 30T). :s Fi coated tablets. Keep medicament out of the reach of children_• ,sovoull, V9C.30 • .00.1114Manufactured by Pfizer Egypt S.A.E. Cairo A.R.E Under Authority of Pfizer INC., U.S.A