الجمعة، 6 يناير 2012


For adults only. Patients with hypercholesterolemia (type Ha) or with pure (type IV) or combined (types fib and Ill) endogenous hypertrigliceridemia. - when appropriate caloric restriction alone has been unsuccessful in achieving desired lipid reduction. - more particularly when cholesterol levels are still high following dietary treatment and/or with existing associated risk factors. Dietary control should be continued as an adjunct to drug treatment. No long-term controlled trials are available to establish whether or not fe-nofibrate has a beneficial effect in the primary or secondary prevention of atherosclerosis related complications. Contra-Indications: - Severe renal or hepatic dysfunction, - Children. Precautions: - Concurrent use of other drugs (anticoagulants) - Pregnancy - Lactation. Should be notified_tathe playsician_bafora starting traatmant_ EFFECTS ON ACTIVITIES REQUIRING ALERTNESS SUCH AS DRIVING A MOTOR VEHICLE OR OPERATING HEAVY MACHINERY OR AP-PLIANCES.
No case of drowsiness has been reported.
Adverse reactions Seldom seen and mild: - Digestive symptoms (gastric or intestinal upset ) - Skin allergic reactions - Transient elevation of transaminases. Dosage and administration : As physician directs. One 300 mg capsule daily with one of the principal meals as an adjunct to dietary measures. Availability : Capsules in blister pack cartons of 30.


For the Treatment & Prevention ot Urolithiasis, Nephrolithiasis & Other Urinary Tract Disorders Composition Each capsule contains:
Properties The therapeutic effect of ROWATINEX® in urinary tract disorders is due to its appropriate balanced combination of different components. In renal and urinary tract disorders an obvious rapid improvement is achieved, leading to elimination of complaints through: Improving the renal blood flow, thus stimulating the kidneys and giving rise to increased urine excretion, elimination of stasis, prevention of urinary tract infections resulting from stasis, an increase of the protective colloids in the urine which effectively prevents stone formation and inflammation, and relieving the inflammation of urinary tract and disorders associated with urolithiasis which usually improve within d Very Short time. A regular daily administration of ROWATINEX® reduces the frequency of renal colic and the attacks eventually cease. In many cases the antispasmodic action of the drug facilitates the elimination of calculi. ROWATINEX® Capsule, being soluble in the small intestine, suits patients with gastric disorders. Indications • Treatment and prophylaxis of urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis • Urinary tract infections • Renal colic Contraindications None known Dosage Unless otherwise prescribed by-the physician, the dose is 1-2 capsules 3 times daily, half an hour before meals. How Supplied Strips of 15 capsules in packs of 2 strips. ' Storage Store in a cool dry place, below 25°C.
Keep all medications out of reach of childwo
tylanufectured by: ROWA-WAGNER,Germany. 0 PACKED BY &- AMOUN PHARMACEUTICAL CO. S.A E. El-Obour City, Cairo, Egypt.
Alpha Pinene 24.8 mg Beta l'inene 62 mg Camphene 15mg Bomeol 10mg Anethol 4 mg Fenchone 4 mg Cineol 3 mg Olive Oil q.s.add to 100 mg


Indications :
FERRO -6 S.G. Ceps are indicated tor:
·Prevention and Trealment of Iron Deficiency Anomie as In:Malnutrition, parasitic diseases, chronic diarrhea, .-srionhagia, postoartum hemorrhage heeding hemorrhoids. traumatic, wounds, lollowIng surgical operations renat failure
:lases of Increased Iron Requirements as In
·               nduced deter/ iron stake. pregnsncy and lactation, adolescence. febrile diseases, thyrotoxicosis, achicenydra, ind prolonged use of some drugs, e.g. anticonvuiSantS and choleslyramine.
FERRO -6 S.G. Caps are preferably administered after the main meal
·Prevention of Iron deficiency anemia : 1 capsule daily.
- Treatment of Iron deficiency anemia : I capsule once or tvace daily. In severe anemia. the dose can be increased 03 capsules daily ot as directed oy Is physician. The treatment of non deficiency anemia shored be continued until hemoglobin tenet and red blood wilcount reach normal values. Thereafter, the treatment n continued tor additional 3 months or more to replenish iron-body stnre,.
- Increased iron requirements : I capsule risiii
Contraindlcadons :
HyDersonsitMly to any of /he ingredients; hismochromatosis and hernosiderosls.
Precautions i
None reported
Side effects :
FERRO -650.  Caps are safe and well tolerated. As with other ann. rich preparations, nausea. consfipation or diarrhea and black stools 1. ,..ay OCCUr
I'egnancy and lactation:
non preparations are safe for use aunng pregnancy and lactation
 .-. me recommended doses.
Drug Interactions:
·   Antacids. cimmidine tetracyclines, qutholones, le.orki...a and -•sestyramine decrease iron absorption horn the GI T. oramphenica decreases response to iron therapy.
:nascence with laboratory tests:
e erdosage and treatment:
Asoidental ingestion of very high doses results in nausea, 10n51:153. wises and rapd pulse, hypotension and dehydration. Treatment includes Induction of emesis, gastric lavage (using 1% sodium bicarbonate . ss,ibon)Mth supportive rneaSures. E serum iron levels exceed 350 per deferOxamine may be used for systemic &elation.
:ox containing 24 S.G. Caps.
, orage:
·- no at temperature (15- 30°C) away from moisture.
.sp out of Inn reach of children,


HAIRTONE works for both women & men in cases of:
I-Hair loss due to various causes.
Hair brittleness, dryness & dullness
3-Nail brittleness.
4- To preserve the normal hair color and delay the premature hair graying.
5-As a prophylactic supplement for those under mental and physical stress.
The usual recommended dose is one capsule daily. However in more severe cases of alopecia, the dose can be safely increased up to two capsules three times daily, according to physician's advice.
Side effects:
As the contents of HAIRTONE capsules are all natural components of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, there are no reported serious side effects even with long duration of therapy.
Hypersensitivity to any of the product's ingredients.
Store below 30 c in a dry place.
Box of one or two or four strips cackuflacapsulcs.

Manufactured by
EVA l'harma for Pharmaceuticals &
Medical Appliances. Egypt



Liver...dysfunction as may result

,j4xic CIrtrets“rdectioue hepatitis. intestine, parasitism and Chronic alco­holism

Metabolic Causes'

Diabetes, hypothyroidism. thyrotoxicosis, pregnancy, same and Kwas•


As a complementary medication in'

Hypertension, aitenoscierosis, obesity and elon diseases.


1-2 Capsules 3 times daily after meals


Box of 24 or 30 salt gelatin capsules


Keep in a cool and dry place.
Keep out of the reach of children