الجمعة، 6 يناير 2012


INDICATIONS: Dietary supplement of calcium.
-Administration of high doses of vitamin D should be avoided during Calcium thera unless prescribed
- Concomitant administration of corticosteroids may interfere with calcium absorption. - It is better to avoid administration of oral tetracyclines with carbonates which may lead to reducing its concentration in blood
To be taken as directed by doctors.-
INTERACTIONS: no known interactions. SIDE EFFECTS; no known side effects.
1-2 tablets daily or as prescribed by physicians.
Carton box containing 3 strips each of 10 f.c.tablets with insert leaflet.
Keep at temperature not exceeding 30 C, keep out of reach of children.
PHAVAA AR( eon/ Produced by Arab Company For Gelatin &Pharmaceutical Product,
Fut If•ding Awry                                                                             For
Pharmacare Egypt for Trading Agency.                                   §

بيبون بلس

دواعى الاستعمال
مكمل غذائى يساعد على تحسين البروستاتا

تضخم البروستاتا الحميد :كبسولة مرتين يوميا لمدة 5 ايام ثم كبسولة مرة واحدة يوميا لمدة 3-4 اشهر
التهابات البروستاتا :كبسولة يوميا

بروكتو- فور

دواعى الاستعمال
-         البواسير الداخلية والخارجية
-         - الحكة الشرجية والاكزيما حول الشرج –التهاب المستقيم –حالات الشرخ الشرجى
-         علاج قبل وبعد عمليات البواسير
-         حالات البواسير عقب الولادة

موانع الاستعمال
فرط الحساسية لاى من المكونات
-اثناء الحمل والاخص فى الثلاث اشهر الاولى –مثل باقى المستحضرات التى تحتوى على الاستيرويدات يجب مراعاة الاعراض الجانبية ووضعها فى الاعتبار مقارن بالفائدة المرجوة من الاستخدام
فى الاطفال يجب تجنب العلاج لفترات طويلة

يستخدم مرتين الى ثلاث مرات يوميا ووضعة على مكان الحكة
-للاستخدام العميق اوصل المبسم بالانبوبة وضعها على فتحة الشرج الى الداخل بقدر الامكان واضغط برفق على الانبوبة
-تستخدم الاقماع صباحا ومساء وبعد كل مرة اخراج


Indications Ginseng with nigella Sativa  
Food supplement 
Side effects :
Ginseng is well tolerated when taken in the recommended therapeutic doses however hypertension resulting from ginseng abuse syndrome is associated with prolonged high dose ginseng with concomittant use of caffeine.General adverse effects include insomnia, headache, nervousness, and vomitting.
Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus.
Precautions :
Black seed may interfere with effect of immunosuppressant agents.
Drug-Drug interactions:
Ginseng may reduce effect of antihypertensive drugs also caution should be taken with hypoglycemics, anticoagulants, neuroleptics and digoxin.
Dose :
·  1 - 2 Capsules daily or as directed by the physician
Pack :
·  2 Strips of 10 capsules each .
Store in a cool dry place at temp. not exceeding 30°C.
Keep all medications out of reach of children
ARE 312009-yrs1 Produced By
Arab Co. For Pharmaceuticals & Medicinal Plants

Cyncholine plus

  • Indications of Cyncholine plus    :
1-   Liver and gall bladder complaints.
2-   Dyspeptic complaints.
3-   Liver support.
Side Effects :
No documented side effects.
1-2 capsules 3 times daily or as recommended by the physician.
Pack :
• Box containing 2 strips each contains 10 capsules.
Storage :
Store in a cool dry place not more than 30° C.
Keep all medications out of reach of children
ARE 31210007Airs 1           Produced By
Arab Company For Pharmaceuticals and Medicinal plants
(Mt .P1C0 - VIED1tEIQD)-( Enshas El Rand - Sharkeiya ) t Egypt